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Mr. Einar Lange, Manager of the Steamship Insurance Society of Sweden.

The President of the Republic of Uruguay:

His Excellency Luis Garabelli, Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Uruguay near His Majesty the King of the Belgians.

Who, duly authorized thereto, have agreed upon the following:

Article 1

Assistance and salvage of seagoing vessels in danger, of any things on board, of freight and passage money, and also services of the same nature rendered to each other by seagoing vessels and vessels of inland navigation are subject to the following provisions, without any distinction being drawn between the two kinds of service and in whatever waters the services have been rendered.

Article 2

Every act of assistance or salvage which has had a useful result gives a right to equitable remuneration.

No remuneration is due if the services rendered have no beneficial result.

In no case shall the sum to be paid exceed the value of the property salved.

Article 3

Persons who have taken part in salvage operations, notwithstanding the express and reasonable prohibition on the part of the vessel to which services were rendered, have no right to any remuneration.

Article 4

A tug has no right to remuneration for assistance to or salvage of the vessel she is towing or of the vessel's cargo except where she has rendered exceptional services which can not be considered as rendered in fulfilment of the contract of towage.

Article 5

Remuneration is due notwithstanding that the salvage services have been rendered by or to vessels belonging to the same owner.

Article 6

The amount of remuneration is fixed by agreement between the parties, and, failing agreement, by the court.

The proportion in which the remuneration is to be distributed among the salvors is fixed in the same manner.

The apportionment of the remuneration among the owner, master, and other persons in the service of each salving vessel is determined by the law of the vessel's flag.