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9. The calculation of the area upon which shengko price is to be paid to the Conservancy Board shall be made in the following manner:

As a general rule the shengko-area shall be taken as being the area enclosed between the Highwater Line at Ordinary Spring Tides and the Normal Line for the time being, as allotted to each riparian owner according to the procedure prescribed in paragraph 8.

But in cases where erosion has taken place since 1906 the area on which shengko shall be payable shall be reduced by an amount equal to the high water free area eroded since 1906 and cases where a foreign Consular title deed shows an area extending beyond the present high water line the area otherwise liable to shengko shall be reduced by such title deed area.

In cases where the river front boundary of the original lot does not extend riverwards as far as the 1906 Highwater Line, the shengko price due on the area between that boundary and the Highwater Line shall be paid to the proper Chinese Authority.

The English and Chinese texts of this Supplementary Article have been carefully compared, but in the event of there being any difference of meaning between them the sense as expressed in the English text shall be held to be the correct sense.