Page:Logonomia anglica qua gentis sermo facilius addiscitur.djvu/51

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Chap. 7.

4 Whü mäketh hiz angelz ſpirits : hiz miniſterz a fläming fjer.5 Whü laid ðe foundäſionz of ðe ërth : ðat it ſhüld non bi remü𝑣ed for e𝑣er.

6 Ðou ku𝑣ereſt it with ðe dïp az with a garment : ðe wäterz ſtüd abu𝑣 ðe mountainz.7 At ðj rebvk ðëi fled: at ðe 𝑣ois of ðj thunder ðëi häſted awai.8 Ðëi go up bj ðe mountainz, ðei go doun bj ðe 𝑣alleiz untu ðe pläs which ðou haſt founded for ðem.9 Ðou haſt ſet a bound ðat ðëi mai not pas o𝑣er : ðat ðei turn not again to ku𝑣er ðe ërth.10ſendeth ðe ſpringz intu ðe 𝑣alleiz; which run among ðe hilz.11 ðëi gi𝑣 drink tu e𝑣rj bëſt of ðe fïld: ðe wjld aſes quench ðëir thirſt.12 Bj ðem ſhal ðe foulz of ðe he𝑣n häv ðëir habitäſion which ſing among ðe branshez.13 Hï wätereth ðe hilz from hiz chamberz: ðe ërth iz ſatisfied with ðe frvt of ðj wurkz.14 Hï kauzeth ðe gras to gröu for ðe katel, and herb for ðe ſer𝑣is of man: ðat hï mai bring forth füd out of ðe ërth.

15 And wjn ðat mäketh glad ðe hart of man, and oil tu mäk hiz fäs tu ſhjn. and brëd which ſtrengthneth mans hart.16 Ðe triz of ðe Lord ar ful of ſap : ðe ſëdarz of Lebanon which Hï hath planted.17 Whër ðe birdz mäk ðëir neſts: az for ðe ſtork ðe fir trïz ar hir hous.18 Ðe hjħ hilz ar a refvᵹ for ðe wjld göts: and ðe roks for ðe kuniz.19 Hï apüinted ðe mün for ſëznz; ðe ſun knöueth his going doun.20 Ðou mäkeſt darknes, and it iz njħt: whërin âl ðe bëſts of ðe foreſt du krïp fürth.21 ðe yung ljonz rör after ðeir prai, and ſik ðëir mët from God.