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of the late Tefiilence. 199 AMONGST many other Advantages, I ihall mention but a few that are received from the aftual Cautery iri thefe Cafes ^ for from hence the Parts aflecled are rendred more firm and ftrong*, hence the Veffels are more afrringed ; hence the fubtile Mi- afmata are rariiied and evaporated } hence the Poifon is corrected and dried up • and daftly, hence the languifhing Heat is quick- ned ; and, not to ufe many Words, the pe- fHlehtial Venom feems to be deftroyed by Burning, no otherwife than the Bites of poifouous Creatures are cured after the fame Manner. A S for what is done hy the Knife, the Inferred are certainly as much .benefited by it, as by the actual Cautery ; efpecialty if the lncifion be made deep, and goes to the Root at the Centre : for by this may be made a very expeditious Elevation and Separation of the Eh-har- and this Means is more particularly to be ufed where a Gangrene is threatned j but in doing it 7 great Care muft be. taken, as before hinted, that there is not made any Effafion of Blood by cutting the larger VeiTels, efpecially the Arteries. 6 4 BUT