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of peftilential Difeafes. 3 7 the ftronger, fatter, fuller, and more vigo- rous they were, the lefs they had to hope. AS to the Remedies, they bore Bleeding no better than thofe of the Firft Oafs j at leaft if they were not blooded at the very firft Inftant of their being taken Sick, it was evidently hurtful to 'em ; they grew pale, and fell even in the Time of their; firft Bleeding, or a little while after, into. fuch Paintings, as could not in moft of them be imputed to any Fear, Repugnance, or Diftruft, fmce they demanded with Earneftr nefs to have a tyem opened. A L I, Emetichy excepting Ipecacuanha, were very often more hurtful than ufeful 5 caufing fuch fatal Irritations and ExceiTes in operating, as could neither be moderated or ftopped. The Cathartkh that were a little, ftrong and aftive, were attended with the fame Inconvenieneies. Such as they pre- ferred in the Form of a laxative Ptifan, as well as plentiful Draughts., that were di- luting, nitrous, cooling, and gently alexite- rial, gave forne Relief, but did not hinder the Return of the Symptoms. All Cordials and Sudori^ch, if they were not fort, gentle, and benign, did nothing but promote the C 3 Ftp-