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of peftikntial Dijeafes. 6$ Or, VZ Con feci. Fracaftorij fine Melte, Mithrtd: ma % is. Boll veri, Terra japon. ana 5 j. Caftor* Sails fitccin. Croci angl. ana 3). Confetl. Alkerm e fine odoratis q. f. ut F. Eletluarium ad ufum fra* diHum, precipue h. fotnni. SINCE the former Impretfion, 1 Have received from a Friend, who is both very inquifitive and communicative in thefe Mat- ters,- the two following Prefer ipt ions of one Johnfon, a Surgeon of Note and Eminence^ who had great Experience in peflilential DiftemperPj during a long Refidence ztTangieri m the Reign of King Charles II. The firft of them is under the Title or Ele&uarlum Car- diacum^ as follows : j£ Bad. ferp. Vlrg. Piper, long. Valerian* Angel. Hifp. Zedoar. Z. Z. ana ^ j. Is. Tetafit* Impcrat. Conic. Cinnarn. Aurant. Sapajf. Baec. Lauri Myrrh. foL Rut& Scord. Calaminth. Sch&~ hath, ana § j. . Rad. Contrayer. Croc. An? eh Cochin, ana 5 fs. Pulp. Vip. 3 i). Camph. § ij* cum melle Trip, quant. Jiecier. & vin. canarln* qi f. f. Elefh E § VITH