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60 Of the Cauje of a (peflilence, AND the Conjecture that a Sicknefs a=- mongft Cattle is transferrable to the humane Species, hath not yet appeared on any good Foundation } but to remove this Difficulty, no one doubts but that a Plague amongft Cattle, from fome com- mon Caufe, as a Corruption of the aerial Nitre, and which differs from a Plague among!! Men but in Degree, may alfb be tranfmitted to the humane Species that is, a feebler Degree of Poifon, and a milder Aura, may taint the Herbage, than that which is fufficient to deftroy the firmer Constitution of Animals ^ beiides which, from the Diverfity in the Pores of Brutes, and their different Constitutions, and the Fortitude in the Spirit of a Man, I cannot be induced to believe that the Peftilence amongft Cattle from a private Caufe, can ever obtain any Dominion over •IVfanM&d.. Thefe Stories therefore have no Weight wkh me, that a certain Leech, upon opening an Horfe, that with a great many others had died of fome common Diitemper, in Order to know what it was, and finding certain peftilential Tokens upon his Inwards, both the Mafter and the Fa- mily foou died of the Infection • which yet