Page:London - The Sea-Wolf, 1904.djvu/396

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Tales of the Ex-Tanks



Under the above title we have published a volume of stories—or sketches—that treat of the "strenuous life" from the viewpoint of men who have been up against the real thing.

It is a book of tales of good fellows who have won out from many odd and humorous predicaments, in many sections of the United States, after having played too assiduous tag with the Flagon, likewise the Tankard, similarly the Bowl; and if, after reading this book, you will not conclude that there is no old rummy game of hard luck from which a man of fair wit can't win out with an even break—then we'll stand for a correction; that's all.

From the Chief Ex—Tank down to No. 13, the Hoodoo Ex-Tank, they are all live ones; and they're all stake class. If you've ever got a solar plexus or an uppercut from the mallet-like fist of that top—notch heavyweight of them all—Hard Luck—these reminiscences of the Ex-Tanks will cause you to revert to such personal experiences with a sense of mellow recognition.

We don't believe that a better book of tales for the man of to-day has yet been published.

Bound in cloth, with chararteristic cover design 75 cents.


52 Duane Street,::::::::NEW YORK.

Town Topics says: "The book is full of laughter. No student to American slang can afford to pass it by."