Page:Lonely lands - Through the heart of Australia (IA lonelylandsthrou00birtiala).pdf/32

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Now perhaps I owe my readers a word of explana- tion regarding seme of the items in the forexoiny out- fit, aud, as they may some day aspire to follow my example, E wish them to benefit by my experteuce.

The water tank is preferable to tlie canvas water bug, because, at uany parts of the route, the evapora- tion fram the bag is se great that your supply lasts uo time aud the salt dust from some of the lakes pene- trates the canvas aud renders the water quite brackish. Many of the Jakes in the interior of Austratia do not eoutan water, but are covered over with a thiek, white eoaling of salt—frequently extending for seores of miles—and the ghare and salt dust eause the eyes tosmart and preduce a painful inflammation. Boracie acil comes in handy wider these clreumstanees, for, when used in solution, it mikes a ecoling anc effective eye wash. At other times, say when crossing Jiot sai, to powder the feet with boraeie keeps them from sealding.

Perinanganate of potash, or pol. permang. as the wholesale druggists eall it. is most effieaciuus for clear ing innididy water, as well as being an excellent antidote for the bites of poisonous insects or venomous reptiles. A very little gocs a long way: for a few erystals, dis- solved in water, will previde vou with a plentifil