Page:Longines Chronicles with Hartley Shawcross 1954 ARC-96007.ogv/15

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Well, why has there been this decline in England in the Communists' prestige there?

Well, I would say because, in the end, truth usually beats falsehood, and we've fought the whole thing out in the open. We've not proscribed the Labour--Communist Party.

(illegible text)

And this you may think curious: the Labour Party has proscribed a number of organizations which are either communist or associated with communism, and said that anybody who belongs to any of these organizations can't be a member of the Labour Party. But subject to that, we've argued the thing out and we've trusted to the political maturity of our people, and the result is, since the time in 1944 when were fighting with Russia and we were all admiring their efforts at Stalingrad and so on, communism has steadily declined both politically and in the trade unions.