Page:Longines Chronicles with Hartley Shawcross 1954 ARC-96007.ogv/17

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Mister Hartley, as a final question, how do you Britishers actually feel about America? Now, there has been some talk about anti-Americanism and fear of depression.

Well, of course, there are misunderstandings and disagreements between us, there always are between friends, and I hope basically we remain friends, and indeed I'm sure we do. I brought with me tonight something that Burke said in 1777, the positions of our countries has been reversed since then, but this is what he did say talking to what were then the American colonies, "As long is it our happiness to be joined with you in the bonds of fraternal charity and freedom, with an open and flowing commerce between us, one principle of amity and friendship prevailing, we are likely to be at least as powerful as any nation or combination of nations which, in the course of human events, may be formed against us." That's as true today as it ever was.