Page:Looters of the Public Domain.djvu/217

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Senator Mitchell was indicted for this offense on February 1, 1905, and convicted July 3, of the same year, after one of the most sensational trials that has ever taken place in Oregon.

Receiver Booth, of the Roseburg Land Office,—who, with Register J. T. Bridges, was dismissed from service on account of his connection with Kribs—has not yet been tried for the part he played in the game, and Register Bridges has never been indicted, for the reason that he became a Government witness.

The notorious C. A. Smith, who was responsible for all this trouble, has never been indicted, because the devil takes care of his own, and he was lucky enough to be saved by the statute of limitations, three years having elapsed, so far as any evidence adduced would show, since he had been connected with the fraudulent transactions.

Fred A. Kribs was not indicted either, having been granted an immunity bath on account of his valuable services as a witness for the Government.

Taken on the Allie Houser claim N. W. ¼ 22, 14-3

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