Page:Lord Amherst and the British Advance Eastwards to Burma.djvu/219

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Adam, John, Governor-General of India, ad interim (1823), 22: deported J. S. Buckingham, 23: member of Lord Amherst's Council, 166.

Agra, college founded at, 49: Lord Amherst's visit to, 182, 183: Lady Amherst receives Maráthá ladies at, 183-187.

Akyab, troops cantoned at, after conquest of Arakan, 104.

'Alceste,' H.M.S., wreck of, with Amherst on board, 19, 20.

Alexander, Captain, afterwards Sir J. E., brought back inhabitants to Prome, 109: Travels from India to England, quoted, 172, 173.

Ali Mardan's Canal, 44, 45.

Allahábád, Amherst's visit to and Darbár at, 179, 180.

Alompra, the great Burmese conqueror,68,69: built Rangoon, 86.

Alwar, troubles in the State of, settled after fall of Bhartpur, 146, 147.

Ambála, Amherst's visit to, 205.

America, Jeffery Amherst's campaigns in North, 10, 11.

Amherst, Elizabeth, mother of Earl Amherst, 11.

Amherst, Field-Marshal Jeffery, Lord, uncle of Earl Amherst, his career, 10, 11: succeeded by his nephew, 13.

Amherst, Hon. Jeffery, eldest son of Earl Amherst, accompanied his father to China, 14: to India, 52: joined his regiment before Bhartpur, 139: took part in the assault, 144: died at Barrackpur, 161, 162.

Amherst, Sarah, Countess, married Earl Amherst, 12: accompanied her husband to India, 52: excellence of her diary, 54, 55: passages from her diary dealing with daily life in India, 56-65: has cholera, 61: her diary as casting light on the Burmese War, 104: her description of the Mutiny at Barrackpur, 150-153: her reception of Máráthá ladies at Agra, 183-187: interview with the wife of the Mughal Emperor at Delhi, 195, 196: her life at Simla, 199: death, 209.

Amherst Lady Sarah, afterwards Lady Sarah Williams, daughter of Earl Amherst, accompanies her father to India, 53: courage during the Mutiny at Barrackpur, 152: present at reception of Máráthá ladies, 183, 184, 186: dangerous illness at Calcutta, 207.

Amherst, General William, father of Earl Amherst, 11, 12.

Amherst, William Pitt, Lord, afterwards Earl, his ancestry and relatives, 9-11; education and marriage, 12; early career, 12,13;

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