Page:Lord of the World - Benson - 1908.djvu/114

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"Oh, very good. . . . May we know what good comes of being 'received into the Church?'"

"By being received into the Church, the soul is reconciled to God."

"Oh! (Oliver, be quiet.) And how do you do it, Father Franklin?"

Percy stood up abruptly.

"This is no good, madam," he said. "What is the use of these questions?"

The girl looked at him in open-eyed astonishment, still with her hand on her husband's knee.

"The use, Father Franklin! Why, we want to know. There is no church law against your telling us, is there?"

Percy hesitated again. He did not understand in the least what she was after. Then he saw that he would give them an advantage if he lost his head at all: so he sat down again.

"Certainly not. I will tell you if you wish to know. I heard Mrs. Brand's confession, and gave her absolution."

"Oh! yes; and that does it, then? And what next?"

"She ought to receive Holy Communion, and anointing, if she is in danger of death."

Oliver twitched suddenly.

"Christ!" he said softly.

"Oliver!" cried the girl entreatingly. "Please leave this to me. It is much better so.—And then, I suppose, Father Franklin, you want to give those other things to my mother, too?"

"They are not absolutely necessary," said the priest, feeling, he did not know why, that he was somehow playing a losing game.