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From (36), (14) and (37) we can infer what values must then be given to the quantities . We must put and for [1]

For we must substitute the expression (cf. § 6)

where the index attached to the second derivative indicates that only the variability of the coefficients (depending on ) in the quadratic function must be taken into consideration. The equation for the component which we finally find from (43) may be written in the form




and for


Equations (44) correspond exactly to (24). The quantities have the same meaning as in these latter formulae and the influence of gravitation is determined by in the same way as it was formerly by .

We may remark here that the sum in (45) consists of three and that in (46) (on account of (39)) of two terms.

Referring to (35), we find f.i. from (45)

while (46) gives

The differential equations of the gravitation field.

§ 13. The equations which, for a given material or electromagnetic system, determine the gravitation field caused by it can also be derived from a variation principle. Einstein has prepared the way

  1. To understand this we must attend to equations (25).