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Gertrude Atherton's

TOWER OF IVORY Cloth, Z2 mo, $,.30 The scene of this new novel by the author of " The Conqueror " " The Splendid Idle Forties," etc., is laid partly in Munich, partly in London, and partly in the English country. The hero is a young Englishman, representing a type which has never before been studied in any novel of importance, but the actual existence of which will not be questioned by those who know English life well. The heroine is an American girl who becomes a prima donna; the greatest dramatic singer of her time. Among the subsidiary characters are Americans, Englishmen, Germans, Russians, and Italians.

Winston Churchill's A MODERN CHRONICLE Illustrated, cloth, I2mo, $ The scene of this story is laid largely in New York City, and the characters are types of American men and women that are thoroughly significant of society in the United States.

Mary S. Watts' NATHAN BURKE Cloth, i2mo,*i. 50 Nathan Burke starts life as an untaught backwoodsman, and Mrs. Watts follows his career as he grows with the growth of the new country. The story is decidedly American; in fact, its Americanness is one of its distinguishing qualities. The period is that great age of expansion and development preced- ing the civil war, and the scene is laid in Ohio.

James Lane Allen's A BROOD OF THE EAGLE In preparation As in others of Mr. Allen's stories, the scene of " A Brood of the Eagle " is rural Kentucky. The theme of the novel is the noble but unfortunate love of a country doctor, which carried to its conclusion settles the future of the doctor's life and involves that of one of his children.