Page:Lost with Lieutenant Pike (1919).djvu/17

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    I. The Coming of the Spaniards 19
   II. The Coming of the Americans 36
  III. The Pawnees are of Two Minds 52
   IV. On the Trail of the Spaniards 70
    V. The Chase of the Big Elk 85
   VI. Lieutenant Wilkinson Says Good-by 99
  VII. "The Mountains! The Mountains!" 112
 VIII. Bad Hearts in the Way 127
   IX. A Try at the "Grand Peak" 139
    X. Onward Into Winter 156
   XI. Seeking the Lost River 167
  XII. Is It Found at Last? 176
 XIII. Meat for the Camp 187
  XIV. A Trail of Surprises 200
   XV. Not Yet Defeated 225
  XVI. Blocked by the Great White Mountains 237
 XVII. The Fort in the Wilderness 250
XVIII. Visitors from the South 261
  XIX. In the Hands of the Spaniards 275
   XX. Stub Reaches End o' Trail 289
  XXI. Good-by to Lieutenant Pike 306