Page:Lost with Lieutenant Pike (1919).djvu/197

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"I go with the doctor, then, please," Stub proposed. "Down river."

"He and Baroney will be hunting. You have no weapon. But you can do your duty like a soldier by tending the horses."

Stub mournfully thought upon his bow, broken several days ago. Hugh Menaugh spoke up, saluting.

"Beggin' your pardon, cap'n—he's a plucky lad an' if you say for him to go wid the doctor he can have one o' the pistols you loaned to me. Belike he'll fare as well wid the doctor as wid us, an' mebbe bring him luck. An' we've all been boys, ourselves, oneasy for doin' things."

"You've a kind heart, my man," answered the lieutenant, smiling. "If the doctor is agreeable to having his company, all right. You may settle it between you."

Settled it was, right speedily, for Doctor Robinson had a kind heart, too.

"Here's your pistol, then," Hugh bade. "Wid wan load. Be sure ye get a buff'lo, now."

Stub nodded, and carefully stowed the long dragoon pistol in under his belt The curved handle crossed his stomach.

"I see him, I get him, Hugh."

He and the doctor and Baroney set out, first.

"Down river; we'll meet you down the Red