Page:Lost with Lieutenant Pike (1919).djvu/209

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only dance and wave his arms and yell, to stop them. This he did. Once more they tacked; Baroney had lain flat, hoping; foolish things, they tacked almost for him—wait—wait—aha! His gun puffed smoke, the report echoed dully, a buffalo had jumped high and stiff-legged and Baroney was after him, loading on the run. Down pitched the buffalo. That made four!

The doctor was running again, but the rest of the buffalo got away, up the valley. All right; they had left plenty of meat. Hoorah!

Stub hastened forward, wild with joy. The doctor was coming. They met Baroney, where two carcasses—a bull and Stub's cow—were lying close together.

"Hurrah!" cheered the doctor.

Baroney capered—"Hoozah! Hoozah!"

"Four! One to me, two to you—that's good. And what about this other? Who killed her?"

"The boy. Oui! I think he killed her, with that pistol," Baroney jabbered. "I hear one shot—bang! I do not know where. Then the buffalo come running out. And before I can shoot, I see this cow tumble down, and die. She has a hole in her—a bullet hole."

"Did you shoot her, Stub? With your pistol?"

Stub nodded.