Page:Lost with Lieutenant Pike (1919).djvu/255

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"Good-by, lads."

"Good-by to yez. God send yez safe to the Red River, an' we'll join yez there, all bound home together."

"For'd, march!" barked the lieutenant. His voice was husky. There were tears freezing on his cheeks.

"For'd, men," rasped old Sergeant Meek, and blew his nose violently.

A number of the other men were sniffling and blowing, and Stub choked as he blindly trudged. Bluff Hugh Menaugh growled gently to himself, while he and Jake hobbled.

As long as they could see the little camp and the two figures sitting they occasionally turned and waved; and John and Tom waved answer.

"Well, we did our best for 'em," sighed Corporal Jerry. "We took only one meal o' meat. They have the rest. 'Twill get 'em through, like as not."

"Yes. Once across these mountains, to the Red River, and we'll send for them and the hosses."

This evening the one meal of meat was eaten. A little snow fell. In the morning the lieutenant ordered Sergeant Meek to take the party on, while he and the doctor hunted. The day was dark and lowering. Then the storm set in again, snowing furiously. By noon the snow was knee high; they