Page:Lost with Lieutenant Pike (1919).djvu/286

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And with the hosses we'll pick up John and Tom, and if they can't ride we'll sling 'em in litters."

Lieutenant Pike colored with pleasure.

"That is handsome of you, sergeant; and of you, Miller. You will march as soon as Stout and Menaugh get in, and we can make the preparations. Your volunteering for a journey afoot of almost two hundred miles over two ranges of mountains waist deep in snow, at the risk of encountering savages, and soldiers of a nation that may not be friendly, is worthy of the uniform that you have worn."

"By your leave, sir, there are some others who'd be proud to share the honor with the sergeant and Terry," spoke up Jake Carter, crippled though he was. "I'll answer for my feet, sir. They'll carry me, once I limber 'em up."

"Two will be enough. I'm sorry that I can't spare more, my man. I see that if you all had your way you'd leave me without a garrison."

Sergeant Meek and Terry felt highly tickled at having got in ahead of the rest.

The next morning Hugh and Freegift arrived all right. The other two were to start early on the morrow. Ten pounds of deer meat apiece was all that might be spared them; they said it was plenty—*