Page:Lost with Lieutenant Pike (1919).djvu/298

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"His Excellency will be much distressed not to see you, señor," the officer insisted. "I must beg of you to take advantage of our escort. Otherwise I cannot answer for your safety."

At this, the lieutenant straightened, and his eyes flashed.

"My safety will be attended to, sir. I shall not move until the safety of my sergeant and party, some of whom may be suffering, is assured also. Do I understand that your intent is to use force to convey me to the governor?

The officer spread his hands and shook his head.

"No, no, señor! Not in the least. But it is necessary that for the information of the governor-general the governor of New Mexico should receive from you personally an explanation of your presence within his frontier, that he may send in the proper report. If you wish to go with us now, very well; or if you wish to wait for the return of your other party, very well. But in that case we shall be obliged to obtain more provisions from Santa Fe, and dispatch a small number for that purpose." Even Stub, who had been listening agog, and catching most of the words, knew that this meant reinforcements. "If you decide to march with us now," the officer added, "I will leave here an Indian who speaks English, and a part of my dragoons, to greet your