Page:Lost with Lieutenant Pike (1919).djvu/328

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the other men were rambling about. John went to find them.

"To Chihuahua is it, sir?" Freegift gasped. "Without our guns?"

"You will get your guns."

"An' don't we wait for the sergeant an' them others, sir?"

"We're not permitted. I'll leave a note for Meek with this boy, here, telling him to keep up courage and follow us."

"But doesn't the lad go, too, sir?"

"No. He stays in Santa Fe."

"I've found my father, Freegift," eagerly explained Stub. "He's here. The Utahs brought him here. I've got to stay with him."

"Found your dad, eh? Well, well! An' good! I want to know! That's all right, then. We've been some worried over you, but sure we felt sartin you wouldn't desert. Expect you'd rather have found your father than the Red River; hey?"

"I don't know," Stub stammered. "I wish we'd found both."

His heart ached for Lieutenant Pike, who seemed to have found nothing—unless he really had intended to come here.

"We soldiers must not complain; we will only rejoice in your good fortune, my lad," answered