Page:Lost with Lieutenant Pike (1919).djvu/55

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  • Meri Pike reined in and dropped back beside him,

with a smile.

They eyed each other, although Scar Head did not smile. He was not ready to smile, and White Wolf had told him not to talk.

The American chief had a clear pink and brown skin and a bright blue eye, with rather large nose and mouth, and stubborn chin. His manner was quick and commanding; anybody might see that he was a chief.

"What is your name?" he asked, suddenly, in French.

"Scar Head," answered Scar Head, in Pawnee.

Evidently the American chief did not understand Pawnee, for he looked a little puzzled.

"Do you speak French?" he demanded.

"Yes, little," answered Scar Head.

"You are not an Indian?"

"Yes, Pawnee," grunted Scar Head.

"You don't look like a Pawnee."

"Pawnee," Scar Head insisted, as he had been ordered always to do, by Charakterik.

"Who is your father?"

"White Wolf."

"Who was your mother?"

"Don't know."

"Were you born here?"