Page:Lost with Lieutenant Pike (1919).djvu/64

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to a feast by the American chiefs. When they returned they were scornful, although White Wolf had been given a gun with two barrels, an arm band, and other things, and the other chiefs also had been rewarded.

Scar Head heard Rich Man tell about it.

"Charakterik wore his large medal given him by the young Spanish chief. They did not ask him to take it off. They offered me a little American medal. 'What shall I do with that?' I asked. 'It is not a medal for a chief. Those two young warriors who have been to Wash'ton were given bigger medals than this. Let the American father send me a chief's medal, for I can get Spanish medals. I am not a boy.' Yes," continued Iskatappe, "the American nation must be very mean and stingy. They send a young man and a few soldiers, with little medals and a few poor presents, to talk with the great Pawnee nation. But the Spanish asked us to wait until next spring, when they will send us a principal chief and many more soldiers, to live near us and treat with us in honorable fashion."

The council with the Americans had been set for the next day. The two American chiefs, and Baroney the interpreter, and the "doctor," and a guard of soldiers, rode down. Chief Charakterik assembled four hundred warriors. The council lodge