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10 LOUISE DE LA VALLIERE. I was not in the slightest degree surprised to find you had selected grocery as an occupation, which is, of all trades, the most varied, and the very pleasantest, as far as char- acter is concerned; inasmuch as one handles so many natural and perfumed productions." Perfectly true, monsieur; but you are very greatly mistaken." In what way?" "In thinking that I leave here every fortnight to collect my money or to make purchases. Oh, oh! how could you possibly have thought such a thing? Oh, oh, oh!" AndPlanchet began to laugh in a manner that inspired D'Artagnan with very serious misgivings as to his sanity. "I confess," said the musketeer, "that I do not precisely catch your meaning," "Very true, monsieur," "What do you mean by 'very true'?" "It must be true, since you'^say it; but pray, be assured that it in no way lessens my opinion of you." "Ah, that is very fortunate." "No; you are a man of genius; and whenever the ques- tion happens to be of war, tactics, surprises, or good honest blows to be dealt, why, kings are all nonsense compared to you. But for the consolations of the mind, the proper care of the body, the agreeable things of life, if one may say so — ah! monsieur, don't talk to me about men of genius; they are nothing short of executioners," "Good," said D'Artagnan, quite fidgety with curiosity, "upon my word, you interest me in the highest degree." "You feel already less bored than you did just now, do you not?" "I was not bored; yet, since you have been talking to me, I feel more amused." "Very good, then; that is not a bad beginning. I will cure you, rely upon that." "There is nothing I should like better." "Will you let me try, then?" "Immediately, if you like." "Very well. Have you any horses here?" "Yes; ten, twenty, thirty." "Oh, there is no occasion for so many as that; two will be quite sufficient," "They are quite at your disposal, Pianchet," "Very good; then I shall carry you off Avith me." "When?"