Page:Love's Labour's Lost (1925) Yale.djvu/102

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Love's Labour's Lost, V. ii

I hope, sir, three times thrice, sir,—

Ber. Is not nine? 492

Cost. Under correction, sir, we know where-
until it doth amount.

Ber. By Jove, I always took three threes for nine.

Cost. O Lord, sir! it were pity you should get 496
your living by reckoning, sir.

Ber. How much is it?

Cost. O Lord, sir! the parties themselves, the
actors, sir, will show whereuntil it doth amount: 500
for mine own part, I am, as they say, but to par-
fect one man in one poor man, Pompion the
Great, sir.

Ber. Art thou one of the Worthies? 504

Cost. It pleased them to think me worthy of
Pompey the Great: for mine own part, I know
not the degree of the Worthy, but I am to stand
for him. 508

Ber. Go, bid them prepare.

Cost. We will turn it finely off, sir; we will take some care. Exit.

King. Berowne, they will shame us; let them not approach.

Ber. We are shame-proof, my lord; and 'tis some policy 512
To have one show worse than the king's and his company.

King. I say they shall not come.

Prin. Nay, my good lord, let me o'errule you now.
That sport best pleases that doth least know how; 516
Where zeal strives to content, and the contents
Dies in the zeal of that which it presents;
Their form confounded makes most form in mirth,

502 Pompion: pumpkin
517, 518 Cf. n.