Page:Love's Labour's Lost (1925) Yale.djvu/22

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Love's Labour's Lost, I. i

King. [Reads.] 'that unlettered small-knowing

Cost. Me? 252

King. [Reads.] 'that shallow vessel,—'

Cost. Still me?

King. [Reads.] 'which, as I remember, hight
Costard,—' 256

Cost. O me!

King. [Reads.] 'sorted and consorted, contrary
to thy established proclaimed edict and continent
canon, with—with,—O! with—but with this I 260
passion to say wherewith,—'

Cost. With a wench.

King. [Reads.] 'with a child of our grandmother
Eve, a female; or, for thy more sweet under- 264
standing, a woman. Him I,—as my ever-
esteemed duty pricks me on,—have sent to thee,
to receive the meed of punishment, by thy sweet
Grace's officer, Anthony Dull; a man of good 268
repute, carriage, bearing, and estimation.'

Dull. Me, an 't shall please you; I am Anthony

King. [Reads.] 'For Jaquenetta,—so is the
weaker vessel called which I apprehended with the 272
aforesaid swain,—I keep her as a vessel of thy law's
fury; and shall, at the least of thy sweet notice,
bring her to trial. Thine, in all compliments of
devoted and heart-burning heat of duty, 276
Don Adriano de Armado.'

Ber. This is not so well as I looked for, but
the best that ever I heard.

258 sorted: associated
259 continent: i.e. containing a summary of offenses
261 passion: grieve