Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/209

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"You mean you— Say! I've got a front-page story for to-morrow's issue that will upset the town."

"Come to my arms," cried O'Neill. "What is it?"

"The real Lord Harrowby has been kidnaped."

O'Neill stared at him sorrowfully.

"Have you been reading the Duchess again?" he asked. "Who the hell is Lord Harrowby?"

"Do you mean to say you don't know? Where have you been buried alive?"

Out of the inner room glided Manuel Gonzale, and recognizing him, Mr. Trimmer poured into his ear the story of George's disappearance.

Mr. Gonzale rubbed his hands.

"A good story," he said. "A very good story. Thank you, a thousand times. I myself will write it."

With a scornful glance at the two strangers, Mr. Trimmer went out, and Manuel Gonzale sat down at his desk. O'Neill and Howe returned to their encyclopedic despatches.