Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/214

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consideration? Did he show me any—when he broke his word to me and made me the laughing-stock of the town?"

"But that all happened five years ago—"

"Yes, but it is as vivid as though it were yesterday. I have always intended to demand some redress from his lordship. But my art—Mr.—Mr. Minot—you have no idea how exacting art can be. Not until now have I been in a position to do so."

"And the fact that not until now has his lordship proposed to marry some one else—that of course has nothing to do with it?"

"Mr. Minot!" A delightful pout. "If you knew me better you could not possibly ask that"

"Miss Rose, you're a clever woman—"

"Oh, please don't. I hate clever women, and I'm sure you do, too. I'm not a bit clever, and I'm proud of it On the contrary, I'm rather weak—rather easily got round. But when I think of the position Allan put me in—even a weak woman can be firm in the circumstances."

"Have it your own way," said Minot, bowing. "But you are at least clever enough to un-