Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/216

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Surely you can wait another five hours—as a very great favor to me."

"I should like to—since you put it that way—but it's impossible. I'm sorry." The great beauty and business woman leaned closer. "Mr. Minot, you can hardly realize what Allan's unkindness cost me—in bitter tears. I loved him—once. And—I believe he loved me."

"There can not be any question about that."


"No—spoken from the heart."


"My dear lady—I should like to be your press agent. I could write the most gorgeous things about you—and no one could say I lied."

"You men are so nice," she gurgled, "when you want to be." Ah, yes, Gabrielle Rose had always found them so, and had yet to meet one not worth her while to capture. She turned the baby stare full on Minot. Even to a beauty of the theater he was an ingratiating picture. She rose and strolled to a piano in one corner of the room, Minot followed.

"When Harrowby first met me," she said, her