Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/230

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and the lady's game in San Marco is queered. She thinks you told. That's why she'll be here for a chat."

"But I did not tell. Only this morning did I see her first. I could not tell—so soon. Who could I tell—so soon?"

"I know you didn't tell. But can you prove it to an agitated lady? No. You'd better close up for the evening."

"Ah, yes—you are right. I am innocent—but what does Gabrielle care for innocence? We are no longer married—still I should not want to meet her now. I will close. But first—my friend—my benefactor—could I interest you in this rug? See! Only in my native country, where—"

"Prince," said Minot, "I couldn't use a rug if you gave me one."

"That is exactly what I would do. You are my friend. You serve me. I give you this. Fifty dollars. That is giving it to you. Note the weave. Only in my—"

"Good night," interrupted Minot. "And take my advice. Hurry!"