Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/269

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Paddock sped up the stairs to his room, which was on the second floor, and Minot turned toward the elevator. At that moment he saw approaching him through the deserted lobby Mr. Jim O'Malloy, the house detective of the De la Pax.

"Can we see you a minute in the office, Mr. Minot?" he asked.

"Certainly," Minot answered. "But—I'm soaked through—was out in all that rain—"

"Too bad," said O'Malley, with a sympathetic glance, "we won't keep you but a minute—"

He led the way, and wondering, Minot followed. In the tiny office of the hotel manager a bullet-headed man stood waiting.

"My friend, Mr. Huntley, of the Secret Service," O'Malley explained. "Awful sorry that this should happen, Mr. Minot but—we got to search you."

"Search me—for what?" Minot cried.

And in a dash he knew. Through that wild night he had not once thought of it. But it was still in his inside coat pocket, of course. Chain Lightning's Collar!