Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/271

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room. In a daze he sought 389. He didn't have it! Didn't have Chain Lightning's Collar! Who did?

It was while he sat steaming in a hot bath that an idea came to him. The struggle on the deck of the Lileth, with Martin Wall panting at his side! The tug on his coat as they all went down together. The genial spirits of Wall thereafter. The sudden start for New York.

No question about it—Chain Lightning's Collar was well out at sea now.

And yet—why had Wall stopped to take the occupants of the launch aboard?

After his bath, Minot donned pajamas and a dressing-gown and ventured out to find Lord Harrowby's suite. With difficulty he succeeded in arousing the sleeping peer. Harrowby let him in, and then sat down on his bed and stared at him.

"What is it?" he inquired sleepily.

Briefly Minot told him of the circumstances preceding the start of the Lileth for New York, of his return to the hotel, and the search party he encountered there. Harrowby was very wide awake by this time.