Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/279

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the baffled, raging, unhappy little pawn. That's all I can tell you. You—you were speaking of your wedding gown?"

"A present from Aunt Mary," she answered, a strange tenderness in her tone. "For a good little girl who's caught a lord."

"A charming little girl," said Minot softly. "May I say that?"

"Yes—" Her brown eyes glowed. "I'm—glad—to have you—say it. I go in here. Good-by—Mr. Kidnaper."

She disappeared into a shop, and Minot walked slowly down the street. Girls from Peoria and Paris, from Boise City and London, passed by. Girls chaperoned and girls alone—tourist girls in swarms. And not a few of them wondered why such a good-looking young man should appear to be so sorry for himself.

Returning to the hotel at noon, Minot met Martin Wall on the veranda.

"Lucky I put old George on Tarragona for the day," Wall confided. "As I expected, Trimmer was out to call early this morning. Searched the ship from stem to stern. I rather think we