Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/312

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shouting never again on the Cupid act. If I'm ever roped into another job like this—"

"It has been a trying position for you," Harrowby said sympathetically. "And you've done nobly. I'm sure your troubles are all out of the way now. With the necklace worry gone—"

He paused. For across the lobby toward them walked Henry Trimmer, and his walk was that of a man who is going somewhere.

"Ah—Mister Harrowby," he boomed, "and Mr. Minot I've been looking for you both. It will interest you to know that I had a wireless message from Lord Harrowby this noon."

"A wireless?" cried Minot.

"Yes." Trimmer laughed. "Not such a fool as you think him, Lord Harrowby isn't. Managed to send me a wireless from Tarragona despite the attentions of your friends. So I went out there this afternoon and brought George back with me."

Silently Minot and Harrowby stared at each other.

"Yes," Mr. Trimmer went on, "George is back