Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/378

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very glad to have a moment alone "with you. I want to apologize—for last night—I was mad—I did Harrowby a very palpable wrong. I'm very ashamed of myself as I look back. Can I hope that you will—forget—all I said?"

She did not reply, but stood looking down at the palms far below.

"Can I hope that you will forget—and forgive?"

She glanced up at him, and her eyes shone in the dusk.

"I can forgive," she said softly. "But I can't forget. Mr.—Mr. Minot——"


"What—what—is—woman's greatest privilege?"

Something in the tone of her voice sent a cold chill sweeping through Minot's very soul. He clutched the rail for support.

"If—if you'd answer," said the girl, "it would make it easier for——"

Aunt Mary's generous form appeared in the doorway.