Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/399

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Remarkable Foresight of English Fortune
Hunter Who Weds Miss Meyrick To-Day
Took Out a Policy for Seventy-five
Thousand Pounds With Lloyds.
Same to be Payable in Case the
Beautiful Heiress Suffered a
Change of Heart

Prominent on the page was a large photograph, which purported to be "An Exact Facsimile of the Policy." Mr. Meyrick examined it He glanced through the story, which happened to be commendably brief. He told himself he must remain calm, avoid fireworks, think quickly. Laying the paper on his knee, he turned to the little white-garbed man beside him.

"What trick is this?" he asked sharply.

"It is no trick, sir," said Gonzale pleasantly. "It is the truth. That is a photograph of the policy."

Old Meyrick studied the cut again.

"I'll be damned," he remarked.

"I have no desire to annoy," Gonzale went on. "But—there are five thousand copies of to-day's