Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/415

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was the old passion cropping out anew in Allan—that he was really not to blame—that beyond any question he was quite devoted to you. Otherwise I'd have done everything in my power to prevent the wedding."

"Yes?" Miss Meyrick's eyes flashed dangerously. "And—your other witness, Allan?"

The soul of the other witness squirmed in agony. This was too much—too much!

"You, Minot—" pleaded Harrowby. "You have understood—"

"I have felt that you were sincerely fond of Miss Meyrick," Minot replied. "Otherwise I should not have done—what I have done."

"Then, Mr. Minot," the girl inquired, "you think I would be wrong to give up all plans for the wedding?"

"I—I—yes, I do," writhed Minot.

"And you advise me to marry Lord Harrowby at once?"

Mr. Minot passed his handkerchief over his damp forehead. Had the girl no mercy?

"I do," he answered miserably.

Cynthia Meyrick laughed, harshly, mirthlessly.