Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/423

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But what's the use of if-ing? All my fault And—my thanks, old boy." He sighed.

"Nonsense," said Minot. "A business proposition, solely, from my point of view. There's no thanks coming to me."

"It seems to me," said George Harrowby, "that as the only victor in this affair, you don't exhibit a proper cheerfulness. By the way, we'd be delighted to take you north on our boat. Why not—"

But Minot shook his head.

"Can't spare the time—thank you just the same," he replied. "I'd like nothing better—"

Amid expressions of regret, the Harrowbys started for the elevator. Minot walked along the dusky corridor with them.

"We've had a bit of excitement—what?" said Allan. "If you're ever in London, you're to be my guest. Old George has some sort of a berth for me over there—"

"Not a berth, Allan," objected George, pressing the button for the elevator. "You're not going to sleep. A job. Might as well begin to talk