Page:Love Insurance - Earl Biggers (1914).djvu/425

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joke then—pretty serious now. For I'm going out to apply."

"I'm glad of it"

"So am I, Dick. I was a fool to let her go back like that. Been thinking it all over—and over—one girl in—how many are there in the world, should you say? The other day I had a chill. It occurred to me maybe she'd gone and married the young man with the pale purple necktie who passes the plate in the Methodist Church. So I beat it to the telegraph counter. And—"

"She's heart whole and fancy free?"

"O. K. in both respects. So it's me for Grand Rapids. And say, Dick, I—er—I want you to know I'd sent that telegram before the accident last night. As a matter of fact, I sent it two days ago."

"Good boy," said Minot "I knew this game down here didn't satisfy you. May I be the first to wish you joy?"

"You? With a face like a defeated candidate? I say, cheer up! She'll stretch out eager arms in your direction yet."

"I don't believe it. Jack."