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some and clever, isn't he? But cheer up, maybe some other Oliver will come along and—who knows?"

I felt like telling her you could get Oliver Thurstons for a dime a dozen and that I'd think that price exorbitant. I wanted to warn her that this patent-leather haired, sleek young vulture was a type as familiar to me as the subway and that I gave his superiors the air every day. But what would be the use? Already filled with the maniacal idea that every girl in the hotel was jealous of her charms, putting in the rap for Thurston would only make her more in love with him than ever and less in love with me. So as I frequently use my head for more than a hat rest, I kept my little mouth shut and let nature take its course!

But as for this Thurston Don Juan—well, honestly, I was simply furious at him! The very idea of his trying to take me out, when all the time he was scheming to marry this silly old maid for her doubloons! The more I thought matters over the more I was determined to punish this fellow, and that brought me around to thinking of Abigail's robbery. All of a sudden I made up my mind to solve the mystery of the missing necklace myself! That ten thousand dollars' reward would make at least one of my daytime dreams come true, and at the same time I could help Jerry Murphy come back.

Having been rubbed off the payroll by the disgusted