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"No," he says. "Not V like in veal—V like in Vasiloff!"

"What's the difference?" I says.

"Plenty difference," returns the handsome city chap without cracking a smile. "I don't wish no veal!"

"Pick up the marbles, you win!" I laugh. "V like in Vasiloff coming up. Who will I say wants to speak to this Irishman?"

"Fighting Paddy Leary," he says, a bit proudly.

At that I threw the laugh into high. "So your name's Leary, eh?" I says. "Well, I wish I had your nose full of nickels!"

Fighting Paddy returns my grin with interest. "My real name's Herschel Goldstein," he breaks down and confesses. "Now will you throw the voice with the smile into the phone and git me that number, or do I have to bring a note from my parents?"

I shoved in the plug. "Say—what's your racket?" I ask him, just for fun.

"I'm in the glove business, Good-lookin'" he says and hands me a card. So's you'll miss nothing, I want you to see it:

Fighting Paddy Leary

Middleweight Champion of Pike's Peak

"Dieu et mon droit!"