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him three hundred dollars on his promise to go back to America at once.

Not two hours later a messenger comes up to my room with a neat little package. In it is three hundred dollars and the following note:

After leaving you I bumped into an old friend who loaned me the fare, so I'm returning your money with thanks. Will see you at the St. Moe. Meanwhile don't flirt with any more millionaires' sons. Be good!


I had scarcely finished reading the missive and counting the money when Hazel flounces into the room I thought I might as well get things over and be done with it.

"Hazel," I says, "I'm awfully sorry for you, but you might as well forget about William. He's gone out of our lives forever!"

To my great surprise Hazel appears highly pleased.

"Good!" she says. "I was afraid we'd have trouble giving that big clown the gate, but my scheme must have worked!"

"Your scheme?" I says dizzily.

"Sure!" says Hazel complacently. "I sent him a cable supposed to have come from his mother, saying he was cut off without a dime!"

Honestly, I'm at the gasping stage!