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you've fought your way in to see some of his latest box-office wows: "Are You My Parents?" "Wronged by Mistake," "The Girl Who Loved Plenty," "Murdered in Fun," etc.—all masterpieces which cause the audience to stand up in cheers, the exhibitors to count up in tears and the censors to pick up their shears. You always see Mr. Daft's productions prominently mentioned in the lowdown from the exhibitors in the trade magazines under the heading, "What the Picture Did to Me." Thus:

"The Girl From Gehenna," directed by Gordon Daft. Book thes one, boys, it's the trout's necktie! Personally I thought it an awful thing but the audience ate it up. Ran it three nights with colored revival as opposition and packed 'em in like they do in the subway. Give us more of these and I'll be able to retire. That's what I'll have to do anyways, if they don't lower the rentals. Smiling Billy Goof, Dreamland Theater, Nightmare, Ala.

Well, anyhow, the noted Mr. Daft had just returned from Hades or some place where he went on location to "shoot" realistic tropical scenes, in his newest example of what can be done with a camera, a good title and an unlimited expense account. Reporters of all sexes besieged him for interviews on "What's Wrong with the Movies?" even carrying the thing to the astonishing extreme of printing his answers. Really, our ambitious phone operators, chambermaids and scrub-