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I drew my first breath and managed to talk my noble charger out of the crazy idea that he had Paul Revere in the saddle and I pulled him to a walk without assistance. That spoiled the whole day for the panting heroes galloping up behind me, among which, to my great surprise, was Mr. Gordon Daft!

"You ride superbly!" he lies like a gentleman. "Is there anything you can't do?"

"Plenty!" I smiled. "I seem to have some trouble avoiding you, for one thing!"

"But why should you avoid me?" he wants to know. "Why are you as cold as an Eskimo's nose to me? I'm going to give you a screen test and if you can troupe as well as you can ride, I'll never let you get away from me!"

"Oh, you're so masterful!" I says with mock admiration. "I thought you were scheduled to appear at my flat today?"

"I was there," he says. "Where were you? What's the big idea of giving me a pushing around like that?"

"But you saw Hazel, didn't you?" I asked, ducking his questions.

"Saw who? Oh, your girl friend? Yes, I saw her. I think she was with you in London, wasn't she?" says Mr. Daft. "Her features are faintly familiar, but then I'm not much on remembering faces. I gave her a message for you and left right away. You owe