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so he gave up and helped out the crowd with its laugh.

"You've made me miss a train and an important engagement," he says severely. "Now I've got to go back to my apartment, change my clothes and——"

But out of the corner of my eye I had pegged an officer approaching. With me to think is to act.

"Jump in and I'll drive you to your place," I interrupted quickly.

"Fair enough!" remarks an envious voice from the throng. "Pretty soft for you, brother!" says another slapping Royal on the arm. Royal appeared to be giving the matter lots of due consideration, which irritated both myself and the greatly interested audience. "Go on, you dizzy tomato!" calls the third masculine voice angrily. "Flop in there with 'at cutey. You're sittin' pretty and ain't got brains enough to know it. If you don't want to go with her, they's plenty others that will!"

Royal took a long lingering view of me and I guess what he saw didn't cause him any pain. He smiled and at once became a nice-looking boy.

"Well, I don't know," he says, still grinning. "You are so lovely, and I am so poor——"

And then he hopped in beside me and we drove away just as the scowling policeman came up on the run to find out what the crowd was cheering about.

Really, we got along fine! I warned him at the go-in