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and it certainly don't look like you're ever going to get anywhere in the ring, now does it?"

"Vell, maybe you're right," sighs Hershel. "I got to fight One-Feint Heehaw, middleveight champeen of Baffin's Bay, in Madison Square next veek. If I lose, I'm through! No more boxin' in the summaire time for me, I——"

"It'll be the last summer of Rose, eh?" I couldn't resist butting in.

"Absolutely!" says Hershel. "I'm commencin' to get sick and tired of dustin' off the canvas vit my, now, shoulder-blades. But vit proper handlin' I could positively beat this One-Feint Heehaw. Up to date I ain't had nothin' in my cornaire but a bunch of lowlife kidders, which all the advice they could give me between rounds is to tell me how rotten I am. Vot do I need seconds to tell me that for—don't I know it?"

"Why don't you get your brother to be your second in this bout with One-Feint Heehaw?" I asked him, struck by a sudden thought. "Ike knows a lot about boxing and being your brother you'd have confidence in him. If——"

"Say—you're a vondaire!" Hershel cuts me off excitedly, "That's just vot I'll do. I'll get Ike he should go behind me and I'll knock this feller Heehaw for a ghoul! I nevaire seen nobody like you for, now, schemes. You got more ideas than Edison!"