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effect on our heroine that a sedlitz powder has on a glass of water. Honestly, she wheeled around on me in a young fury.

"Don't talk to me about maids!" she says angrily, "I've had all the charwomen this morning that I can take. If any more of 'em show up, you can entertain 'em!"

"There, there, little girl" I smiled, patting her on the shoulder soothingly. "Tell me your story—perhaps I can right the wrong and——"

"Oh, cut the comedy!" Hazel rudely interrupts, wrenching away from me, "I'm in no mood for that applesauce now. I'm so steamed up I feel like kicking a few window-panes out, just to be nasty!"

"You're dizzy!" I says. "If you wish to confirm the neighbors' suspicions, there's much less costlier ways than that. Stop squawking and tell me what happened to you this morning—you've got me tantalized to death!"

"Well," says Hazel. "When no candidates appeared up to ten o'clock in answer to our ad, I decided to give this drum of ours a thorough cleaning myself—you needn't laugh, me and labor have met before! So I put on that old brown smock you insist should go to the Salvation Army, rolled up my sleeves and tied in. I was busy saying it with the vacuum cleaner when the first volunteer stabbed the doorbell. This entry, who