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"Nothing good!" I answered, promptly and truthfully.

"Ever hear of Jackson Young?" says Tommy.

"What am I being examined for?" I ask him, curiously, "Do you mean Jackson Young, the big oil man?"

"Absolutely!" says Tommy, "Big oil man is right! That baby's got an income of about half a million a year——"

"Not counting tips" I butt in, impatiently, "Get to the point, Tommy, I've got a lot of hot wires this morning!"

"Well, listen heavy, then!" says Tommy, with serious features, "I've got the chance of a lifetime staring me right in the face! The story of the year is in my hands—if you'll throw in with me. There's a rumor floating around the Evening Wow office that John T. Manning is paying a little more than courteous attention to a relative of Jackson Young's by marriage—to put it plainly, his wife!"

"Torrid Rover!" I says, "A fool and his honey are soon parted, eh? But where do I come in on that newsy tidbit?"

"Gladys" says Thomas, "My paper would give its linotypes for proof that Manning and Young's wife are in love with each other but as no proofs are available, we can't print a hint about the impending scandal through fear of the great god Libel. However, Man-